Committing to drug and alcohol rehab can seem overwhelming at first. Not only are you agreeing to a complete lifestyle change, but you are venturing into unknown territory — which takes a great amount of courage. You have likely heard and seen things about what rehab looks like; you might have gathered information from your favorite books or television shows, or listened to a friend or acquaintance recount their own personal experience with recovery. Because of pop culture depictions of rehab and recovery, there is an ample amount of misinformation in circulation. At Immersion Recovery Center we want to ensure you know what to expect before you commit to drug and alcohol rehab. For this reason, we have outlined several common rehab-related myths and coupled them with the facts. If you have any additional questions or would like additional information about the recovery process as a whole, contact us today.

Myth #1: Drug & Alcohol Rehab Doesn’t Work.

Fact: It Does.

If a person commits to a multi-phased treatment program and extended care, their likelihood of returning to substance use decreases significantly. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “In addition to stopping drug abuse, the goal of treatment is to return people to productive functioning in the family, workplace, and community. According to research that tracks individuals in treatment over extended periods, most people who get into and remain in treatment stop using drugs, decrease their criminal activity, and improve their occupational, social, and psychological functioning.” (1) Rehab has been proven to improve all areas of a person’s life while providing them with the tools they need to stay sober long-term.

Myth #2: Drug & Alcohol Rehab is Expensive.

Fact: In Most Cases, Insurance Covers the Cost of Drug & Alcohol Rehab.

Most rehab centers, including Immersion Recovery Center, accept coverage from major regional and national health insurance providers. If you are currently insured there is a good chance some or all of the services the rehab provides are going to be covered either partially or in full. However, many people who have struggled with addiction have a difficult time maintaining a career that provides benefits, or they struggle to make payments on their insurance premiums. It’s a good idea to check whether or not the rehab offers additional coverage options like self-pay or private pay.

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Myth #3: Drug & Alcohol Rehab is Boring.

Fact: Rehab is What You Make It.

Some movies and television shows depict drug and alcohol rehab as drab, sterile and monotonous — a small group of blank-faced clients sitting in a circle and discussing why their lives suck. On the contrary, drug and alcohol rehab is packed with fun-filled sober activities and opportunities to bond with others. One of the main priorities of rehab is teaching clients how fun recovery can be. If recovery was boring, what motivation would people have to stay sober? At Immersion Recovery Center we incorporate regular outings and recreational activities into the holistic portion of our program, taking our clients on trips to the beach, on nature walks, to yoga classes and to the park for team sports like basketball. Every day is new and exciting.

Myth #4: Drug & Alcohol Rehab is 30 Days.

Fact: The Length of Rehab Depends on the Needs of the Individual.

Some people stay in rehab for 30 days, others stay in rehab for three months or longer. The duration of your stay depends on your unique needs and is determined by several factors. These factors include the severity of your substance use disorder, whether or not you are struggling with underlying mental health concerns, the type of substance being used and your personal history with addiction and recovery.

Myth #5: Drug & Alcohol Rehabs are Religious Programs.

Fact: Some Programs Might Have Spiritual Components.

Some programs have optional spiritual components, but the majority of drug and alcohol rehabs are not religious (unless you seek one specifically rooted in religion). The development of spiritual connection is a fundamental part of Alcoholics Anonymous, and as a 12 Step immersion treatment center we encourage our clients to participate in spiritually-based activities like mindfulness meditation and yoga therapy. There is a major distinction to be made between spirituality and religiousness. Spirituality simply facilitates interconnectedness and deeper connections.

Myth #6: Drug & Alcohol Rehab is for Weak People.

Fact: Going to Rehab is Extremely Courageous.

Rehab is for strong people who are brave enough to face their addiction head-on and regain control of their lives. There is nothing weak about asking for help. In fact, admitting you have a problem you can’t solve on your own might be the most courageous thing you ever do.

Myth #7: I’ll Lose My Job If I Attend Drug & Alcohol Rehab

Fact: There are Resources Available to Prevent Job Loss.

For example, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) allows an employee to take a protected leave of absence while they seek addiction treatment. If you are worried about getting fired or compromising your career, rest assured that there are numerous laws in place to help keep you protected. Reach out to Immersion Recovery Center for more information about FMLA and similar federal laws.

Myths and Facts about Choosing a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in Florida

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Myth #8: Rehab is Reserved for Those Who Have Hit “Rock Bottom.”

Fact: It’s Better to Catch Addiction Before it Progresses.

Waiting to hit “rock bottom” can be dangerous. Sadly, many people do not fully recover from their personal “bottoms,” which might include incarceration, serious legal issues, irreversible health complications or drug-related overdose. The truth is, attending treatment as soon as you start struggling with drug or alcohol use is the best option. This way you are able to tackle a potential addictive disorder without suffering grave personal consequences.

Myth #9: Rehab Prevents Relapse.

Fact: Rehab Reduces the Risk of Relapse.

Going to rehab is not a guarantee you’ll stay sober for the rest of your life. As is the case with everything else, you get out of addiction treatment what you put into it. If you listen to your treatment team and commit to your personalized aftercare plan, your risk of experiencing a relapse will be reduced dramatically. If you drift away from your program you are inevitably putting yourself at risk. Rehab provides you with the relapse prevention tools you need to stay sober — but it’s up to you to utilize these tools.

Myth #10: If You Force Someone Into Rehab, They Won’t Recover.

Fact: Many People Require an Intervention.

At Immersion Recovery Center we offer intervention services to those in need. Because addiction and denial often go hand-in-hand, it can be difficult to convince a person to seek professional help — even when help is clearly necessary. If you have been watching a loved one struggle with addiction, we are available to help. Contact us today and we will put you in touch with an experienced, professional interventionist in your area.

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Contact Immersion Recovery Center Today to Learn More

If you are interested in learning more facts about drug and alcohol rehab, contact Immersion Recovery Center directly. We want to ensure you feel confident and well-informed before making any major decisions. As soon as you or your loved one makes the decision to seek professional help we will be available to walk you through the admissions and early recovery process. As soon as you contact us, either through our website or directly over the phone, you will be put in touch with one of our knowledgeable Treatment Advisors. You will undergo a brief pre-assessment over the phone which helps our clinical team determine whether or not our program of recovery is the best fit for you. We offer a free, no obligation insurance benefit check, and arrange local transportation to our Delray Beach, Florida treatment center. All you have to do is reach out and we will take care of the rest.

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Serving as the Inpatient Clinical Director at Immersion Recovery Center, Susan will work directly with staff members, clients, and family members to ensure the clinical program remains as effective and individualized as possible. Susan is no stranger to the fields of behavioral health and addiction. She has over 25 years of experience, working in an inpatient setting, an outpatient setting, acute stabilization and nearly all other settings in the realm of addiction recovery.