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South Florida Outpatient Services

At Immersion Recovery Center we have created a serene, welcoming atmosphere where guests relax, rejuvenate, build relationships and fully engage in group therapy, individual therapy, and family therapy sessions. During Intensive Outpatient (IOP) and Outpatient (OP) therapy our highly trained team encourages clients to communicate transparently without fear of judgment.

Our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Immersion’s South Florida facility is home to one of the nation’s only true immersion programs for drug and alcohol addiction. This one-of-a-kind approach is designed to meet the needs of men and women attending treatment for the first time, as well as those caught in a painful cycle of relapse. This program is housed in a beautifully appointed four-story facility near Florida’s southern coast.

Many on the Immersion Recovery Center team have a first-hand personal experience with addiction, and these team members are a walking testimony to the efficacy of our plan. When you or someone you love has had enough, we help you lay the groundwork for an inspired life of recovery. One of our keys to recovery is the understanding that addiction afflicts mind, body, and spirit. Meaningful relationships suffer as the individual becomes more desperate and hopeless. Each of these facets is are intertwined and must be collectively addressed for you to achieve solid recovery and lasting change.

At the beginning of recovery, you may need medically supervised detox to begin physical and psychological healing. After a safe, healthy detox, Immersion clinicians recommend a treatment plan that addresses your specific medical history and addictive patterns. Throughout our program, we work to reestablish your physical, spiritual and relational well-being.

Features of our exclusive South Florida IOP include:

  • Daily integration of the Immersion Process
  • Life skills training
  • Personalized employment or educational assistance
  • Family programs, including counseling & interactive education
  • Comprehensive aftercare planning
  • Relapse prevention
  • Alumni meetings, outings and activities

We Are Here For You

Let Us Help You Heal

Our detoxification experience is second to none.

Learn how we can help by speaking with one of our Treatment Advisors today.

Our Outpatient Program (OP)

There are many different types of addiction treatment, all initially developed for the same common reason – to help individuals overcome substance abuse and dependence and go on to lead fulfilling and productive lives as functional members of society. In most cases, addiction treatment will be a multi-phased program, beginning with medical detox and ending with aftercare. The length of each phase will vary on a person-to-person basis. At Immersion Recovery Center, we generally suggest that each of our clients complete a multi-phased program of clinical care. However, in some instances, our Outpatient Program (OP) can successfully stand on its own – depending on the severity of the addictive disorder.

The U.S. National Library of Medicine published a 2014 study on the effectiveness of outpatient programs in treating substance abuse and dependence. The study monitored individuals who were not in need of medical detoxification services and who required a less intensive level of care than inpatient treatment provides. It was confirmed that outpatient treatment can be an effective method of comprehensive recovery if the addiction is not severe and life-threatening and if the client does not require 24-hour medical supervision.

Outpatient Treatment – An Alternative Option

In some cases, as mentioned previously, our OP program can be an effective level of care for those who are not suffering from a moderate, severe or life-threatening addictive disorder. When is OP appropriate as a stand-alone treatment method? Another study published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine closely examines the cost-effectiveness and the effectiveness of differing addiction treatment levels (inpatient rehab vs. intensive outpatient programs vs. outpatient programs). It was discovered that for those who have very limited financial capability and who have low-risk addictive disorders, outpatient programs are very effective. If an individual has the ability to cover the cost of addiction treatment, or if he or she is suffering from a moderate to severe disorder, inpatient treatment is always recommended. At Immersion Recovery Center, we understand that not everyone is able to cover the full cost of care. However, we believe that quality clinical care should be available to all those who need it. For this reason, we offer free, no obligation insurance benefit checks, and our admissions counselors work closely alongside each client to determine which level of clinical care is the most appropriate and the most viable.

Our OP Program is a viable stand-alone treatment if:

  1. Long-term residential treatment is not a viable option for financial reasons – In some cases, a potential client does not have health insurance, is not able to obtain health insurance, and has no financial backing otherwise. Although there are many viable financial options (medical loans, personal loans, sliding scale treatment costs, etc.) these options are not always available to everyone. In this case, outpatient treatment is the most effective option for the value.
  2. The addictive disorder is very mild, and there are no co-occurring mental health disorders – In the case that the client simultaneously suffers from a dual diagnosis condition, he or she requires intensive inpatient treatment. There are some cases in which the addictive disorder is mild, and an outpatient program is effective enough on its own for the client to maintain long-term sobriety. This is also true of a substance abuse disorder that is instigated by a specific situation or circumstance. For example, say a middle-aged woman drank socially for her entire life with no issues. After going through a divorce, she began to drink a bottle of wine every evening to cope with her sadness (and other unfavorable emotions). Her substance abuse is situational and she is not experiencing any significant personal consequences, thus outpatient treatment would be an appropriate level of care.
  3. Inpatient treatment was already completed, and the client in question experienced a minor relapse after an extended period of sobriety – First of all, let us make this clear – relapse is not a part of recovery. We sincerely believe that those who give recovery their all are more than capable of staying sober for the remainder of their lives. However, in some instances, an individual maintains years of recovery after completing an intensive continuum of care and either veers away from his or her recovery program or undergoes an emotionally traumatic experience, prompting a return to substance use. If the individual recognizes the slip immediately and seeks a return to professional care, outpatient is likely a very good choice.

Ready To Begin Your Treatment?

Let Us Help Your Family Heal

Our family therapy program is second to none.
Learn how we can help your family by calling a Treatment Advisor now.

(888) 307-1267

Immersion Recovery and OP Addiction Treatment

The National Institute on Drug Abuse included a detailed account of the different addiction treatment types in their publication, “Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition).” The publication explores the varying types of outpatient treatment, suggesting that less intensive outpatient programs are ideal for individuals who need to return to their careers once inpatient treatment has come to a close, or those who already have extensive social support systems in place. Our outpatient program offers a continued level of clinical care that can be utilized as a stand-alone recovery method if appropriate, or incorporated into an effective, long-term treatment plan.

At Immersion Recovery Center, we understand that determining which level of care is right for you can be difficult. For this reason our staff members are standing by to offer in-depth, personalized pre-assessments which are conducted over the phone – all you need to do is pick up the phone and give us a call.

Experience True Recovery

Whenever possible and clinically appropriate, we encourage clients to take advantage of our residential addiction program. However, our staff understands that inpatient treatment may not accommodate your family, educational and occupational commitments—so we have developed an interactive IOP and OP complete with drug testing and peer accountability. During outpatient and residential programs Immersion Recovery Center advocates for your medical rights and helps you navigate the complexities of insurance and aftercare planning.

Many Immersion clients come to us dangling by a thread: worn and weary from feeling hopeless, lonely and lost. As our compassionate team welcomes you into the beauty of our South FL treatment center, you will begin a long-awaited journey to transformative change. To speak with one of our Treatment Advisors or learn how our 3 phase immersion process strives to be the solution in the lives of every client, contact us by phone or email now.

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  • Individual Focus

  • Caring & Experienced Staff

  • Homestyle Retreat

  • Fully Licensed & Accredited 

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A Continuum of Clinical Care

As previously mentioned, at Immersion Recovery Center we generally recommend our IOP and OP programs as part of a long-term continuum of clinical care. Long-term, multi-phased care is ideal for those who have moderate to severe addictive disorders and/or who have underlying, dual diagnosis disorders. An effective continuum of clinical care includes:

  • Medically Monitored Detox: Detox lasts for between one and two weeks – longer if the addiction was more severe and the symptoms of withdrawal are longer-lasting. Patients are monitored 24-7, and medical staff members work together to alleviate symptoms of withdrawal.
  • Inpatient/Residential Treatment: This phase of treatment generally lasts for between one and three months, and provides clients with intensive therapeutic care. Our inpatient program provides 12 step immersion, individual and group therapy and numerous holistic methods of treatment.
  • Intensive Outpatient (IOP): Our IOP program is ideal for men and women who have just completed inpatient treatment and still require an intensive level of therapeutic care. IOP groups meet up to five times per week, and provide the same care as inpatient treatment in a less intensive setting (while allowing clients more personal freedom).
  • Outpatient (OP): Once a client has completed inpatient treatment he or she either transitions to IOP or OP. OP is a better option for individuals who must return to work directly after residential care, or who have additional personal obligations (such as dependents) that allows them less time to participate in therapy.
  • Sober Living: After residential care, clients are encouraged to transition to sober living housing. This allows them ongoing support, structure and accountability.
  • Long-Term Aftercare: Long-term aftercare refers to ongoing therapy, 12 step immersion and psychiatric services whenever necessary.