Cofinity Health
Insurance for Addiction Recovery

Cofinity Health Insurance is a subsidiary of Aetna, and this insurance company offers over 200 individualized health plans and includes a wide range of in-network providers and services. Cofinity Health Insurance prioritizes network quality and stability and is a leading regional network that consistently offers quality medical care at a reasonable price. Recently, under the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) which was developed by the Obama administration, behavioral health services like those provided by Immersion Recovery Center became considered a necessary health-related service. This means that under the ACA medical detox and addiction treatment must be covered in full by leading insurance providers.

The extensive treatment services that Immersion Recovery Center provides are in-network for those currently covered by Cofinity, meaning that policyholders have little to no out-of-pocket costs. We understand how stressful addressing the financial components of addiction treatment can be for our clients and for their loved ones. The good news is that if you are currently insured with Cofinity there is a very good chance that some or all of your treatment experience is covered, leaving you with very few out-of-pocket expenses – if any at all. If you are not currently insured or if you are underinsured, there are numerous other payment options available. Our main priority is ensuring that the entire admissions process is as simple and stress-free as possible for everyone involved, and that quality clinical care is received in a timely manner. When it comes to committing to inpatient treatment, we understand that the loved ones of the future client are generally working with a very small window of willingness. It is our goal to take advantage of this window and work through all of the finer details as promptly as possible. For more information on our comprehensive and highly individualized program of addiction recovery or to get started on your own personal journey of healing, simply give us a call today.

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We Are Here For You

Let Us Help You Heal

Our [acf field=”detox_cta_field-drugname”] detoxification experience is second to none.

Learn how we can help by speaking with one of our Treatment Advisors today.

Medical Detox and Addiction Treatment

Medical detox is a necessary first step on every individualized journey of addiction recovery. During medically monitored detox clients undergo safe and pain-free withdrawal in a consistently monitored and secure environment. At the very least, symptoms of withdrawal are harshly physically unpleasant – at their most severe, they can lead to serious health-related complications that actually turn out to be life-threatening. Withdrawal symptoms are unpredictable, and they are liable to worsen in severity at any point in time. For this reason we have experienced medical professionals who oversee our clients around the clock, effectively treating withdrawal symptoms as soon as they arise. At Immersion Recovery Center we utilize a wide range of proven treatment methods all geared towards helping men and women of all ages overcome addiction once and for all. Our three-phased approach to clinical care includes:

  • Phase 1: Medically monitored detox and residential treatment
  • Phase 2: Partial hospitalization program (PHP)
  • Phase 3: Intensive outpatient treatment (IOP), sober living housing and aftercare

Taking a multi-phased approach to clinical care allows clients to work through the underlying causes of addiction while setting a solid and lasting foundation for long-term sobriety. Every phase of our integrated recovery program is in-network and fully covered by Cofinity Health Insurance. An in-network service or provider simply means a service or provider that is within the insurance company’s range of coverage, and is essentially paid for in full as a direct result. If you are unsure whether or not your current insurance policy covers the addiction treatment services that we provide, simply give us a call today for a free, no obligation insurance benefit check.

Programs Covered by Insurance

  • Clinical and medical assessment: Upon admission to our treatment program every client undergoes an initial assessment, which closely examines personal history with substance abuse, family history of substance abuse and any existing mental illnesses or physical issues. This initial assessment helps our clinical team determine which treatment methods are going to be the most effective and which additional recovery-related services are necessary. For example, an individual with an existing, pre-diagnosed mental health disorder requires a dual diagnosis program, and an individual who has been suffering from unresolved trauma will be paired with a therapist who has extensive experience with trauma-informed care. The assessment helps us uncover personal needs and requirements and develop an individualized treatment plan based on these needs.
  • Medically monitored detox: Our medically monitored detox program helps men and women of all ages and walks of life undergo drug and/or alcohol withdrawal in a safe and comfortable environment. We treat individuals who have been suffering at the hands of alcoholism, prescription drug abuse, opiate abuse, stimulant abuse and the abuse of numerous other substances. Our experienced team of medical professionals and licensed therapists and psychiatrists provides a comprehensive level of clinical care that cannot be found in any state-run detox facility or standard hospital.

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Let Us Help Your Family Heal

Our family therapy program is second to none.
Learn how we can help your family by calling a Treatment Advisor now.

(888) 307-1267

  • Addiction treatment services: From the first phase of our recovery program to the last, we offer a wide range of comprehensive treatment services geared towards tackling addiction and all underlying, contributing factors. Some of the addiction treatment services we provide include individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, relapse prevention training, the development of healthy coping mechanisms, life skills development, post-acute withdrawal treatment, medication management and case management services. Regardless of a client’s unique needs we undeniably have addiction treatment services available to meet them.
  • Therapeutic care: We offer individual therapy, group therapy and family therapy services to each of our clients. The amount of therapy sessions being held depends heavily on the stage of clinical care. For example, in our Phase 1 program clients will meet once a week in one-on-one therapy sessions but will have group therapy sessions on a daily basis. The family members of our clients are able to participate in group therapy sessions as part of our comprehensive, family-oriented program.
  • Case management services: Upon admission to our treatment program each client is paired with a case manager who walks them through every phase of our unique and integrated program of addiction recovery, from start to finish. Case managers also serve as the main point of contact for the loved ones of our clients, keeping them up-to-date on progress and future treatment plans and goals.
  • Aftercare planning: Aftercare is essential to the maintenance of long-term sobriety. Case managers work with clients to develop aftercare plans unique to their personal needs.

Begin Healing Now!

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  • Individual Focus

  • Caring & Experienced Staff

  • Homestyle Retreat

  • Fully Licensed & Accredited 

Don’t Suffer Any Longer

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Begin Your Journey of Healing Today

If you have been suffering at the hands of a serious substance abuse disorder and you are in need of quality, comprehensive clinical care, look no further than Immersion Recovery Center. The sad fact of the matter is that the majority of men and women who are suffering from active addiction do not end up seeking or receiving the care they so desperately need. In many cases this is because they believe they cannot afford to go to treatment or because they remain unaware of the extensive resources that are available to them. At Immersion Recovery Center we truly believe that quality clinical care should be made widely accessible – and part of the way in which we make our continuum of care accessible is by working closely with major regional insurance providers like Cofinity Health Insurance. If you are wondering just how much of your treatment experience is covered by your current policy, simply give our Treatment Advisors a call at (888) 693-1604 or submit this form online click here and they will conduct a free, no obligation insurance benefit check. If you are still left with some out-of-pocket expenses we will work with you to develop a viable plan of action. We want to make sure that regardless of your current financial circumstances, you feel assured that you have access to the care you need and that receiving that care is both feasible and essential stress-free. For more information on coverage options or to get started on your own personal journey of addiction recovery, give us a call today. As soon as you call we set to work developing a plan for intake, including coverage, travel plans and a time and date for the initial clinical and medical assessment.