Focused Treatment
Medically Assisted Fentanyl Detoxification
Medically Assisted Fentanyl Detoxification
At Immersion Recovery we understand how difficult Fentanyl withdrawal can be. Many times withdrawal symptoms are so serve that those struggling with Fentanyl addiction return to using within 24 hours. The key to overcoming this obstacle is a medically supervised detox where withdrawal symptoms can be identified and treated immediately. At Immersion Recovery Center we perform an in-depth initial evaluation and tailor a treatment plan unique to each clients needs and recovery goals. Immersion Recovery Center provides 24 hour medical supervision and comfort care for our detox clients. Our medical and client support team’s goal is to make sure all clients have a safe and comfortable detox so they can begin the next phase in their recovery journey.
Fentanyl is an opiate that is a leading problem in the opioid epidemic and responsible many overdose deaths every day. It used to be that the worst drugs anyone had ever heard of were cocaine and heroin. Today, there are far more options than ever before. One of the more dangerous drugs people have started to use is fentanyl. Think of it like morphine’s big brother. It is a similar type of opioid, but it is much stronger and much more dangerous. Addicts are getting hooked on fentanyl quickly, making recovery more difficult without the right type of help. Plus, it is also being created synthetically. It is one of the most commonly used drugs when someone overdoses since even a tiny dose is so powerful. Fentanyl does not need to control your life. You have recovery options. That is where Immersion Recovery Center comes in.
Fentanyl has important uses. Typically, after some type of major surgery or when helping with end-of-life care, fentanyl is prescribed to help patients manage the pain. In some instances, patients who struggle with chronic pain are also given limited amounts of fentanyl. However, if someone gets to the point of taking more than their regular dosage, or starts taking them sooner than they should, they need to recognize that they could be showing early signs of an addiction.
Prescription forms of Fentanyl include:
Sublimaze®, Actiq® and Duragesic®
Fentanyl Streetnames
- China Girl
- Great Bear
- Goodfellas
- Tango & Cash
- Poison
- Apache
- Murder 8
- He-Man
- Friend
- China White
- Jackpot
- Dance Fever
- Friend
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Fentanyl Addiction Factors
Prescription fentanyl is typically administered in three forms. The patient can get a shot of the medication directly, suck on a lozenge that slowly reduces pain, or wear a transdermal patch for relief. When someone takes fentanyl they often have a temporary euphoric feeling. It leaves users feeling happy, confused, and tired. This is often accompanied by slower respiration and a reduction in blood pressure. When someone uses too much fentanyl it can lead to fainting, a struggle to breathe, seizures, and even death.
There are symptoms to watch for in case someone experiences a fentanyl overdose. These symptoms may start off slowly or they may come on very quickly. The faster they show up, typically, the faster the overdose is occurring. Some doctors even require patients using fentanyl to have a rescue dose of naloxone available nearby, just in case. While you could not likely help yourself, someone nearby could administer it and potentially save your life in the event of an accidental overdose. If you suspect an overdose, watch for signs such as:
Our Fentanyl Detox Services Include
Signs of Fentanyl Overdose
- Dizziness
- Extreme drowsiness
- Tiny pupils in the eyes
- Confusion about who or where you are
- Breathing that becomes very slow or shallow
- Breathing stops completely

Fentanyl Withdrawal
When a body gets used to having a lot of the same drug in it, the body begins to develop a tolerance. That is when the body signals that it needs more medication before it is actually due, because the dose that was taken does not provide the same effect. Without another dose, the body begins to show signs of withdrawals. When the drug the body wants is as potent as fentanyl, the withdrawals are often very intense. For most people, they notice many of these symptoms within a couple of hours of their last dose of fentanyl.

Symptoms of Fentanyl Withdrawal
- Pain that goes through the muscles down to the bone
- Twitches in the legs that cannot be controlled
- Trouble sleeping or extreme insomnia
- Goosebumps and feeling freezing cold
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Severe cravings for another dose of fentanyl
These symptoms are quite severe for many who try to stop taking fentanyl. The intense withdrawals are why so many keep using it. It must be noted that trying to stop using fentanyl without the help of a clinical detox facility or medically based rehab is dangerous. Trying to manage these withdrawals alone could result in problems breathing, heart palpitations, seizures, stroke, and even death. Detoxing should only ever be done under medical supervision and only using methods the FDA has approved for opioid withdrawals. Contact the experienced professionals at the Immersion Recovery Center for help with fentanyl detoxification.
Ready To Begin Your Fentanyl Detox?
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Don’t let Fentanyl addiction control your life.
Call us today and let’s get you started on the path to a better you.
Why Fentanyl Needs Detoxification
Fentanyl is so much more powerful than other similar drugs on the market. It can literally change lives in an instant. It is one of the most addictive drugs out there because of its potency. Some people get hooked to its effects on the first use. While using it for people in hospice makes sense, as it allows them to live out what time they have left relatively pain-free, using it improperly or abusing it is an incredibly risky option. This drug is up to 100 times stronger than morphine or heroin is. This means that even a tiny dose could be deadly.
The way fentanyl works is by bonding with the receptors within the brain that signal pain and control a person’s emotions. However, they react so powerfully and instantly that every single dose is a risk. Even taking regularly prescribed doses of fentanyl carries with it a risk that the dose could be fatal, so it must always be taken with extreme care. If a contradictory medication, alcohol, or other drug is used with it, the stakes could even be higher. Some drugs, like alcohol, can depress breathing further, making it to where someone using fentanyl may not be able to breathe at all.
Another risk is to those who try to wean themselves off of fentanyl alone. If you stop using it even for a short time but then use it again, chances are that you will use the same dose as the last time you used it. This could be too much for your body. Your body’s tolerance may have already dropped, which means you could be overdosing accidentally. Contact us at Immersion Recovery Center to avoid the dangers of trying to detox from fentanyl.

Fentanyl Treatment Options
There are several treatment options when it comes to getting over the hold fentanyl has. They involve medications to help ease the detox and withdrawal symptoms and different behavioral therapies to help the brain relearn what makes you happy that does not involve fentanyl being in your system.
At Immersion Recovery Center we use Suboxone to help reduce the cravings for fentanyl after our clients stop using the drug. This turns off the receptors in our clients brain that get the effects of the fentanyl, making it to where the effects of withdrawal are not as harsh.

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From there, counseling and behavioral therapy are often the most effective next steps. This includes helping our clients learn additional ways of coping or managing your pain, providing new life skills to help them overcome their addiction (such as a new, healthy hobby), and even helping them manage their diet to help restore what their body lost when using fentanyl.