For the average person, drinking alcohol can be a fun social activity or a component of relaxing and unwinding after a long day at work (think grabbing a beer with friends or sipping on a glass of wine while making dinner). For the alcoholic, drinking alcohol can be absolutely devastating; a mental compulsion that never ends with one beer or one glass of wine, but rather nudges the alcoholic further towards total self-destruction and lasting emotional damage. For the alcoholic there is no social aspect of drinking, and there is no unwinding after a long day with a single glass of wine.
For those who have been battling an alcohol use disorder, stepping away from the drink while things “mellow out” is easier said than done. Because addiction is a disease of denial, it can be easy to convince yourself that everything is fine, and that you’ll change your ways if things get bad enough. But then things do get bad, and you find yourself unable to quit drinking no matter how much you try. Instead you’ll begin rationalizing with yourself again, saying things like, “Oh, it was never really that bad,” and, “I like drinking, so what if I might drink too much on occasion.” Rather than focusing on all of the (delusional) reasons why you should be able to keep drinking to excess, focus instead on the amazing gifts that recovery will inevitably bring.
10 Reasons to Quit Drinking
1. Active alcoholism is absolutely devastating.
Anyone who has lived through active alcoholism firsthand will understand how absolutely devastating the disease truly is. The who suffer from physical alcohol dependency are truly slaves to the chemical substance. They lose their ability to do things on their own accord – everything revolves around obtaining, using and recovering from alcohol use. The pain of addiction is overwhelming. While early recovery can be emotionally trying from time to time, nothing is as painful as active alcoholism. If you aren’t getting sober for any other reason get sober to begin living a completely better way of life – you deserve it.
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2. You’ll start to gain more self-esteem and self-respect.
Once you’re back in control of your own behaviors and emotions, you’ll be able to conduct yourself the way that you want to. You’ll find that your sense of morality and human decency will slowly creep back in and you’ll begin acting in a way that you’re proud of. Being sober and clear-headed also frees you up to explore self-esteem building activities, like volunteering your time to help others or doing the things you were supposed to do all along (like going to school or actually showing up for work).
3. You will be able to mend damaged relationships while forming new meaningful relationships.
Active alcoholism devastates everyone. It is likely that the majority of your interpersonal relationships suffered greatly, and that you didn’t treat your friends and family the way you would normally treat them – with love and respect. Alcohol recovery will allow you to mend damaged relationships while fostering new ones. It’s important to remember that healing damaged relationships takes time and that some will be more quick to forgive than others. Additionally, you will meet a whole new group of like-minded friends while in recovery. These friends will know exactly what you’ve been through and they will love you unconditionally. Before, you may have had friends, but the people you were spending your time with probably didn’t have your best interest at heart. These friends will.
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4. Your family won’t suffer at the hands of your addiction.
Parents are inclined to worry about their children, even when alcoholism isn’t a factor in the parent-child relationship. Throw alcohol abuse into the mix and you’ve got a recipe for sleepless nights and ongoing panic. “Where is he?” “Why didn’t she come home last night?” While your parents may not immediately trust that you’re on the straight and narrow, they will eventually begin trusting you again and their minds will be put to ease. If you are a parent yourself, you’ll finally be able to be the parent your child deserves and be the role model your child needs.
5. You will actually be able to reach your full potential.
There is no question about it – it is impossible to live up to your full potential while you’re active in your addiction. Once you get sober you’ll start to realize your passions and talents, and you’ll be much more inclined to explore them. Finally you’ll be able to be the person that you always dreamt of being.
6. You’ll remember what being authentically happy feels like.
Even though you might feel small spurts of happiness or contentedness during your active addiction, you won’t really remember what being authentically happy feels like until you get sober. Belly laughing with friends until you cry, being able to enjoy the small things, smiling at strangers because you realize how strong and amazing people are in general… all of these moments of pure joy are right at your fingertips.
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7. You’ll save an obscene amount of money.
Drinking excessively is expensive, regardless of whether you are drinking alone at home or going out to bars and nightclubs several times a week. You’ll be amazed at how much money you save when you cut drinking out entirely.
8. You will be free to do what you want to do.
Freedom! That’s right – you will no longer be a slave to alcohol, which means you’ll be free to explore whatever you want to explore. You can wake up early and go for a walk on the beach or take up yoga or learn to paint. The world will be your oyster! In sobriety you’ll find that if you set your mind to something you’ll be able to achieve it. Beforehand, the only thing standing in your way was you.
9. You will be able to start helping and inspiring others.
One of the most beautiful gifts of alcohol addiction recovery is your ability to help others who have been exactly where you once were. Through the program of Alcoholics Anonymous (or another 12 step program) you’ll learn just how much you have to contribute. There is nothing as fulfilling and rewarding as helping another alcoholic stay sober.
10. You’re worth more than active addiction.
You deserve to be happy. It might not feel like it, but you do.
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Immersion Recovery and Alcoholism
At Immersion Recovery we know how comprehensively devastating alcoholism can be. This is a pervasive and all-consuming disease, one that can completely ruin your life in less than a year. Fortunately, we have extensive experience treating alcohol use disorders of all levels of severity. No matter how far down the scale you have gone we will help you to overcome your alcohol addiction and go on to lead the life you deserve – a life of freedom and lasting sobriety. For more information on our alcohol addiction recovery program, give us a call today. We’re looking forward to answering any questions you might have and helping you get started on your own personal journey of alcohol addiction recovery.
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Reviewed for accuracy by :
Susan Shirley
Serving as the Inpatient Clinical Director at Immersion Recovery Center, Susan will work directly with staff members, clients, and family members to ensure the clinical program remains as effective and individualized as possible. Susan is no stranger to the fields of behavioral health and addiction. She has over 25 years of experience, working in an inpatient setting, an outpatient setting, acute stabilization and nearly all other settings in the realm of addiction recovery.