If you have successfully completed a program of addiction recovery, you are in good position. You have learned that it is possible to break the cycle of addiction. You know working a program is possible with the help of others who have walked a similar path. The treatment facility you sought assistance from equipped you with tools and taught you skills for avoiding relapse. But, at the end of the day long term recovery is dependent upon plugging oneself into the 12 Step community.

Essentially, treatment is safe place to learn the basics of what is needed to remain clean and sober. Pointing out people, places and things that could trip you up and lead to a relapse. There are several pitfalls to avoid in early recovery. So, 30 to 90 days in treatment mitigates the risk of encountering them, thus positioning you to succeed.

It is extremely important to give addiction treatment your all. Although, it is equally (perhaps even more) important to dive head first into the program upon leaving treatment. Many relapses happen right after discharge, because some clients do not understand what is at stake. Understand fatal overdoses often occur right after leaving treatment. One’s tolerance is not the same as when they went in, it does not take much to elicit an overdose.

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Addiction Recovery In Your Area

More times than not, people who seek treatment return to their hometown after completion. Right back into one’s old stomping ground, in close proximity to those they used with. If that is or will be your situation, it is absolutely vital that you get plugged into the fellowship in your area. Immediately! Putting it off for some R & R is not advised. We can assure you that your disease is not taking a vacation.

Hopefully, before you left treatment you found some meetings in your area to attend. Especially in your first 90 days after leaving treatment. Those who go to 90 meetings in 90 days fortify the recovery foundation they began building in treatment. In those 90 days, you will have found a sponsor and begun working the steps. After working through the steps with your sponsor you will then be able to help others. Just as you were helped, this program works because we give back for free what was freely given to us.

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It is never a good idea to take a break in early recovery. Striking while the iron is hot right after treatment is the best way to keep one’s recovery intact. What’s more, you will want to connect with peers at the meetings. People who you will spend time with in place of your old using buddies. You don’t ever want to find yourself feeling lonely in early recovery. One of the four pillars of the relapse acronym H.A.L.T. Never let yourself get to hungry, angry, lonely or tired in early recovery. Working the steps and avoiding relapse should be your number one priority in your life in recovery.

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Ready for Recovery?

We at Immersion Recovery Center understand that some of you reading this are still using. That much of this may be foreign to you, because you have not been introduced to addiction recovery. If that is the case, we are here to help. At our 12-step Immersion treatment facility, we can teach you how to live through the guiding principles of the steps. Please contact us today to begin the journey.



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Serving as the Inpatient Clinical Director at Immersion Recovery Center, Susan will work directly with staff members, clients, and family members to ensure the clinical program remains as effective and individualized as possible. Susan is no stranger to the fields of behavioral health and addiction. She has over 25 years of experience, working in an inpatient setting, an outpatient setting, acute stabilization and nearly all other settings in the realm of addiction recovery.