Overcoming Drug Addiction

Developing a drug addiction can happen to anyone – addiction does not discriminate, and it is not a matter of weak moral standing, a lack of willpower or a flawed character. The very first step to overcoming drug addiction is understanding what this insidious and complex disease entails. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5) considers drug addiction to be a chronic and relapsing brain disease, one that presents a range of symptoms that can be effectively treated and eliminated, but never fully cured. If you or someone you love has been struggling with a drug addiction of any severity, effective treatment options are readily available. The most effective methods of treatment vary on a person-to-person basis, but very multi-phased program of clinical care typically includes the following:

  • Drug withdrawal in a medical detoxification facility
  • Residential drug rehab (inpatient treatment)
  • Intensive therapeutic care
  • Medication Assisted Treatment (whenever necessary)
  • A continuation of clinical care in an intensive outpatient or outpatient program
  • Ongoing involvement in a mutual-aid group like Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Sober living housing

If you or your loved one is ready to begin on the road to recovery, the most important step is choosing a drug rehab that meets all of your personal needs and clinical requirements. Choosing a drug rehab can be an intensive process – however, things will run much more smoothly if you know exactly what to look for.

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Our detoxification experience is second to none.

Learn how we can help by speaking with one of our Treatment Advisors today.

Choosing a Drug Rehab

When choosing a drug rehab, it is crucial that you weigh your options and find an inpatient treatment center that offers the clinical and therapeutic services you are looking for. According to the American Psychiatric Association, there are 13 principles of effective drug addiction treatment that were developed after decades of intensive scientific research. These principles are as follows:

  • Addiction is a complicated disease – one that affects cognitive function and behavior. Despite its complexity, it can be effectively treated.
  • No one single treatment method will be equally effective for everyone.
  • In order for recovery to be achieved, addiction treatment must be readily available and accessible.
  • In order for treatment to be effective, all the needs of the individual must be addressed. Addressing the drug addiction alone will not be effective long-term.
  • It is imperative that the individual remains in treatment for an extended period of time and completes all recommended stages of clinical care.
  • In order for treatment to be effective, behavioral therapy (individual and group therapy) must be available.
  • Medication Assisted Treatment can be extremely beneficial in some cases.
  • Treatment plans must be continuously assessed and modified accordingly.
  • Because many individuals who struggle with drug abuse have underlying mental health disorders, dual diagnosis treatment must be available.
  • Medical drug detox is only the first stage of every treatment program, and it is never sufficient as a stand-alone treatment option.
  • Addiction treatment does not need to be voluntary in order to be effective.
  • Individuals must be closely monitored during every stage of the treatment process to ensure that they are staying on the right track.
  • Effective treatment programs should include risk-reduction counseling, addiction education and relapse prevention.

At Immersion Recovery Center we have developed a drug rehab program that touches on every single one of these principles in depth. We offer a range of effective treatment services, all geared towards paving the road of lifelong sobriety.

How to choose a rehab

The Addiction Recovery Services We Provide

At Immersion Recovery Center, our team of dedicated professionals have combined decades of experience in the fields of drug addiction and mental health. They developed an integrated and individualized program of recovery that is deeply rooted in 12 step education and immersion. The addiction recovery services we provide include:

  • Individual and group therapy – We offer individual therapy sessions that take place at least once a week, and group therapy sessions that take place on a daily basis.
  • Family therapy – At Immersion Recovery Center we believe that the loved ones of our clients should be involved in every stage of the early recovery process. We offer family therapy sessions facilitated by a licensed therapeutic professional, as well as an intensive, three-day Family Retreat Workshop.
  • Lifeskills training – We offer comprehensive life skills training courses, which include vocational training, educational placement, healthy and effective communication and stress management workshops.
  • Relapse prevention training – Clients learn to identify their personal relapse triggers and work through these triggers using healthy coping mechanisms. They have the opportunity to employ these coping mechanisms in real life situations, and process their experiences in a therapeutic group setting.
  • Cognitive therapy – We utilize a range of proven therapeutic techniques, including Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical-Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.
  • 12 step immersion – 12 step program immersion is the backbone of our comprehensive treatment program. We provide our clients with a thorough education on each of the 12 steps and the principles behind them, mandate daily 12 step meeting attendance and encourage ongoing stepwork with a sponsor.
  • Women’s issues and men’s issues – We offer gender-specific treatment options, allowing for a more focused and individualized drug rehab experience.
  • Yoga therapy – We utilize yoga therapy as an adjunct treatment method, encouraging our clients to continue on with a practice of their own once treatment has concluded. There are many proven benefits of yoga therapy, including stress reduction and pain management.
  • Nutritional therapy – We offer nutritionally-based workshops, in which clients learn how to choose and prepare nutrient-dense foods that will facilitate their recovery.

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Our family therapy program is second to none.
Learn how we can help your family by calling a Treatment Advisor now.

(888) 307-1267

What to Look for in a Drug Rehab

When choosing a drug rehab, it helps to know what to look for. Here are several examples of things to look for – call us today for more information, or for additional guidance and insight.

  • Look for a drug rehab facility that is both licensed and accredited.
  • Look for a facility that enforces a multi-phased program of clinical care.
  • Look for a drug rehab that offers demographic-specific treatment (gender-specific and age-specific, as well as a Professional’s Program for working professionals).
  • If you or your loved one struggles with an underlying mental health condition, look for a Dual Diagnosis Program.
  • Look for a facility that offers additional services, like intervention services and a Family Workshop.

At Immersion Recovery Center we offer a multi-phased continuum of care for men and women of all ages and walks of life. The Immersion Experience is outlined as follows:

Phase 1. Medical detox and residential drug rehab.

Phase 2. Partial hospitalization (PHP).

Phase 3. Outpatient treatment (IOP), sober living and aftercare.

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  • Individual Focus

  • Caring & Experienced Staff

  • Homestyle Retreat

  • Fully Licensed & Accredited 

Don’t Suffer Any Longer

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Call Us Now To Begin Your Recovery Journey

At Immersion Recovery Center we believe that the entire early recovery process should be simple and straightforward from start to finish. The moment you or your loved one picks up the phone and gives us a call, our dedicated staff members begin developing a viable and uncomplicated plan of action. We conduct a brief pre-assessment over the phone, which helps our clinical team determine whether or not our drug rehab program is the best fit for you and your unique needs and requirements. Once this is determined, we help you navigate coverage. We understand that committing to a drug rehab program can be stressful in and of itself, which is why we work with most major regional and national health insurance providers. We conduct a free, no obligation health insurance benefit check within minutes – if you are currently insured, there is a good chance that some or all of our drug rehab services are covered partially or in full. Next, we help you pin down travel plans – if you or your loved one is in need of safe and reliable transportation on the day of intake, we are available to help with that, too. Call us now to begin your personal recovery journey, or to get your loved one started on his or her journey of long-term healing.

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Serving as the Inpatient Clinical Director at Immersion Recovery Center, Susan will work directly with staff members, clients, and family members to ensure the clinical program remains as effective and individualized as possible. Susan is no stranger to the fields of behavioral health and addiction. She has over 25 years of experience, working in an inpatient setting, an outpatient setting, acute stabilization and nearly all other settings in the realm of addiction recovery.