Natalee Serrels


She joined Guardian Recovery Network in 2022 as a freelance writer specializing in addiction and mental health. She lives in Grand Ledge, Michigan, with her husband, 16-year-old son, and two cats.

  • Natalee Serrels graduated in 2013 with a master’s degree in psychology.

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What Happens During an Initial Assessment for Addiction Treatment?

July 8th, 2024|Comments Off on What Happens During an Initial Assessment for Addiction Treatment?

What Happens During an Initial Assessment for Addiction Treatment? An initial assessment is an essential first step in the treatment of substance misuse and the recovery process. Because every individual’s relationship to addiction is unique, ...

Link Between Trauma & Substance Use Disorders

July 4th, 2024|Comments Off on Link Between Trauma & Substance Use Disorders

Link Between Trauma & Substance Use Disorders According to insights from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), traumatic experiences—including neglect, family and social conflict, violence, abuse, and much more—are associated with both ...

Supporting Recovery in College & University Settings

June 21st, 2024|Comments Off on Supporting Recovery in College & University Settings

Supporting Recovery in College and University Settings As students dive into college life, they face a whirlwind of stressors that might push them toward substance use. Between the academic grind, newfound freedom, and social pressures, ...

Neurobiology of Addiction

June 5th, 2024|Comments Off on Neurobiology of Addiction

The Neurobiology of Addiction: How Drugs Affect the Brain  Addiction and substance misuse were long viewed as character flaws, and those who struggled with them were labeled as “weak” or lacking in self-control. Thankfully, ...

The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

June 5th, 2024|Comments Off on The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health   It’s hard to think of anything in recent years that has impacted our lives as profoundly as social media. In the roughly 30 years ...

The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Mental Health

June 5th, 2024|Comments Off on The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Mental Health

The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Mental Health Do traumatic experiences in childhood affect your mental health as an adult? According to the National Institute of Mental Health, more than 57 million U.S. ...